Student brings his PS1 to the LSU

By Tyler Shultz

Staff Writer

With finals and drop-dead due dates just around the corner, a lot of students find themselves working hard and stressing about their classes.

Cal State Dominguez Hills student DeShun Johnson, better known as “that guy who brings the PS1,” is bringing his own version of stress relief to campus.

Johnson has been a student at CSUDH for four years. He has brought his own Playstation and hooked it up to a television in the Loker Student Union for a year and a half.

His goal is to provide a stress-reliever and help students cure boredom.

Johnson said that he sees a lot of different students come around to play and relax.

Johnson leaves the video game console in the LSU and encourages people to play, even when he isn’t around.

“[The students] know they can play whenever they want to,” he said. “It’s my gift to the people, and they know darn well not to steal it.”

In addition to bringing his Playstation, Johnson also brings doughnuts and other things for students to snack on. He used to bring pizza until that proved to be too costly.

His PS1, and sometimes doughnuts, should be available through the end of the semester.