Veterans Utilize Support From CSUDH

Photo of a young man with a flag in a white room.

CSUDH honors the military in their educational journey

By Holden Douglas and Kevin Marquez

November is National Veterans and Military Family Month and many CSUDH students and their relatives have served for their country. One of these members is Louis Raprager, a veteran who is majoring in Business Administration. He is a student that wants to achieve a greater education here at CSUDH.

Raprager is just one of many veterans on campus who want to exceed beyond being in the military. 

 Raprager stated, “Being a veteran has shaped me in a better way. I have more confidence to come back to college and get an education. I feel I can accomplish anything as a person.”

Raprager is ambitious enough to complete his service and strive for a clearer future. He is one of many veterans honored this month for their brave character they exemplify.

Veterans Resource Center

CSUDH makes an effort to support these veterans that are committing themselves to their education. To aid these students, the Veterans Resource Center creates an opportunity for them to receive a degree while actively or retired from serving. 

Director of the Veterans Resource Center, DaWayne Denmark, went into detail concerning the importance of veterans receiving help at Dominguez Hills.

“It varies from individual to individual,” said Denmark, explaining that the majority of veteran students use the educational benefits.

Some benefits include tutoring, access and help applying for additional federal and state benefits.

“There’s this big misconception people have about veterans that oftentimes they join the military because they had no other choice,” Denmark said.  

Denmark said,“Veterans bring a lot to our campus that is often overlooked.” He explained how veteran students contribute to the learning environment when they “bring real life experiences” to the classroom. 

Denmark recounted a story of one Vietnam War veteran who used his experience serving in the 60’s in a history class he was taking. 

Students wanting to support their veteran peers can follow Denmark’s words. 

Denmark stated students can “be a part of the community” by attending events and communicating with their veteran classmates to “see how they can help them.” 

The Opportunity at CSUDH

The military background can be helpful for veterans and military dependent students in achieving goals at college. 

CSUDH assists these students throughout their entire academic journey. CSUDH takes pride in honoring the educational commitment of service members and their family members.

The veteran student experience can be summed up with this quote from DaWayne Denmark.

“In the military, you never do anything alone. Everything’s done as a team, you know, you succeed as a team, you fail as an individual.”